Posts tagged sleep
New Innovation Helping Lives

We're big fans of technology that improves our daily lives. Neurofeedback therapy, when done frequently and consistently, can have a great impact in the way we feel on a daily basis. By just sitting back and relaxing, this technology can prompt the brain to draw from its existing resources and pull itself out of these mental “ruts”. The result is a more open and positive mindset in which obstacles are more manageable and problems more resolvable.

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A Good Night's Rest

We at the US Neurofeedback Center are big defenders of sleep. We know a good night's sleep directly affects your energy leves, your humor and you general health. Besides recharging your brain, sleeping helps us absorb new skills acquired doing that day and save fresh memories. Deprivation of sleep can affect your production of insulin (which can deregulate the sugar levels in your blood), weaken your immune system and have a significant effect on your mental health.

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